“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blanche Lincoln and outside influence...

I was just listening to Blanche Lincoln talking after her squeak-through election last night. In her rah-rah talk, she said it was 'not being about outside groups' and how Arkansans did it their way, without outside influence, no one telling them how to vote, what to do, yada yada yada...

I had to chuckle (sarcastically, of course). Sometime soon she'll hop on an airplane to Washington, D.C. and do exactly what Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the Washington D.C. power Dems tell her to do...

Yep, no outside influence in Arkansas.

She does exactly what her constituents want right? Uh huh. 

And by the way Ms. Lincoln, you got just over 40% of the vote, and then it was only the Democrat vote. That doesn't bespeak a mandate from the voters to anyone who knows basic math. But then again, you like think that spending lowers the deficit so it's understandable that you'd think it was a huge victory. Well, in thinking about it, maybe it was a pretty big victory... you didn't lose outright. Yet.

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