“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, December 20, 2008

RNC Chair

Here's something that is very telling, at least to me: Top Conservatives on Twitter has a chart (http://topconservativesontwitter.org/index.php/rnc-tech-index) listing the six known candidate's support / involvement on Twitter and Facebook. It shows how many they're following, how many are following them, the ratio, etc.

I believe that we lost this election partially because we didn't take advantage of the Internet. We were dismal when it came to support for our candidates (not just the Prez) on blogs, Facebook, My Space, YouTube, and other similar venues. We were pathetic.

The RNC Chair is going to need to lead in many ways. We need to get out of this rut we're in and we need some bold new leadership. We need to change the image we've let the media paint. The list of things we need to change or do is soooo long it's going to take a special person with a lot of energy, the ability to sell, the talent to organize and get things done. They are going to need to be attractive, not in looks necessarily (although that never hurts) but in the way they're perceived.

They will have to be "up" on the latest technology. When I look at the chart it tells me who is walking the walk. They're all talking the talk. It also tells me the kind of support they're getting from all of the cyber-crowd.

I know the info on the chart is just one light barometer, but it certainly is interesting. I had pretty much settled on one candidate until I saw that chart. Now I'm going to be looking at the rest of the candidates a bit closer.

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